Privat LehrerFächer


Lotte, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Wohnort: Lotte
Mitglied seit: 14/05/2017
Letztes Login: 7 years ago
Antwortrate: keine Daten
Erwartete Antwort : keine Daten


Friedrich-Schiller-Univeristy Jena
German with Education
2,2  (2016)

GrundschuleUnterstufe (5-7)Mittelstufe (8-10)Oberstufe (11-13)UniversitätErwachsenenbildung

Information about Rose

Hello everyone,

if you`re looking to study some German or English regarding your job or any field of profession, for travel reasons, to understand movies/ TV series or if you are just curious about the language and the country`s culture: you have found the perfect place! I will nosedive into creating the perfect class for you. Learning should be an interesting and fun experience, let`s make the most of it.

Availability: Very flexible as I am setting up the Online Tutoring Business full-time now.

Reisebereitschaft: Home Only

Erfahrung: I am a certified teacher from Germany. I have taught refugees, migrants in general, students that needed a German certificate for university and just curious people. I have great recommendations from my past employers.

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